Christian faith is source of Comboni priest’s passion for Islam

Father Scattolin's most recent published work is a historical look at Sufism (CNS)

Father Scattolin’s most recent published work is a historical look at Sufism (CNS)

By James Martone for Catholic News Service

“You must study the other,” said Father Scattolin, whose career in Islamic studies began in Lebanon and Sudan, before leading him in 1980 to settle in Egypt, where he has lived, taught, researched and written since.

He argues in books, interfaith forums and his daily life that understanding among religious groups comes through deepening one’s knowledge of the other’s texts and beliefs, and through accepting the other’s “freedom of choice” to believe in a religion different from one’s own.

“For me, it is difficult for people to put (Christians) as the center when they have their own beliefs,” Father Scattolin said.

“To have faith, you need freedom of choice. We are in a pluralistic world and this is good, as it makes freedom of religion, and there is no faith if you don’t have freedom of religion,” he said.

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